Early Learning

General Resources

Zero To Three

Zero to Three has dozens of resources for parents including social skills, fatherhood tips, early learning, child care and more.

Encyclopedia of Early Learning Development

Twenty different education and learning categories, including Technology in early childhood education, fathering, brain development, learning through play, and more. The “According to experts” tab takes you to scientific studies on the subject. Literacy

Parenting Magazine

Lively, timely tips take you from pregnancy to pre-school. Activities, sleep tips, travel and more.

Brain Building

Resources for Early Learning’s parent page has videos for parents along with information and activities for babies through 33 months. The children’s page features “kid approved” playlists of videos on themes like “Plants We Eat”, “Ramps and Rolling” and “Making Music.”

Washington State

Early learning information from Washington State. WA-Kids shows what skills children should be developing as they enter kindergarten, development guidelines from birth to third grade, and more.

Find Your Library

Your roadmap to Timberland Regional Library locations, events and resources for kids and teens. Timberland Regional Library serves residents of Lewis, Grays Harbor, Mason, Pacific,and Thurston counties with 27 community libraries, 2 cooperative library centers, and 3 library kiosks. ​

Pre-School Social Skills

Ideas for helping your preschooler build social and emotional skills including managing challenging behavior, preventing bullying and books that help support these messages.

Find Your School District

Find your school district and locate individual websites for each district.

Screen Time

Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics screen time and young children.




Timberland Regional Library: Read, Sing, Write and Play everyday is how you help your child be ready to read! Information on each of these topics, plus book lists and links to other helpful sites. 

The Learning Center has tons of
information about your child’s
development, why reading is important and how to get in the reading habit.

Books and Apps for Kids:  Lists of book for babies and kids. Access Tumblebooks, picture books (and more!) brought to your electronic device. You can choose to be read to or to practice reading on your own. Download ebooks and audiobooks.

Reading Rockets: You’ve heard that wordless books are great for kids. But how do you “read” them? What about non-fiction books? Reading Rockets addresses these questions, provide book lists of great read-a-louds.

Bilingual Kidspot: What can you do besides reading to your child to prepare them to read? How about playing with puppets and writing a shopping list? Take a look at this site for these ideas for toddlers and preschoolers.

StoryBlocks: Videos demonstrate stories and rhymes that build readers in nine languages, including Español and American Sign Language.

Common Sense Education: Recommended literacy apps for your child, including free and low-cost options. This site also summarizes and rates kids’ movies, video games and books.

Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development: Discover how young children learn numerical skills. Under the“resources” tab, find a brochure that captures the introductory information as well as how to help your child learn about math. “According to experts” takes you to scientific studies on the subject.

Teaching Mama: This blog, written by a mom who is a former teacher, gives 15 easy math activities for your preschooler. As Angela says, “preschoolers don’t need worksheets for math . . . they should learn through play and hands-on activities.”

The Imagination Tree: Twenty fun activities to help your preschooler learn about numbers.

Kidspot: This Australian website uses “maths” instead of math, but don’t let that stop you from reading articles about how to help children – from preschool to age 12 – with the math skills they need.

Raising Children: What is numeracy? How do you help your child develop numeracy skills? Tips, games and books that help your child learn about numbers.

Zero To Three explains what  children need to know about math when they start school,  and provides lots of activities and ideas for you to help them learn.

First 5 Californian Activity Center — things you can do at
home, divided into age groups from
babies through preschoolers.

Gryphon House offers lots of free downloads of great ideas for all kinds of learning activities from art to STEM, many with seasonal themes.

Little Bins for Little Hands: 25+ pre-school activities for playful learning. Combine science, sensory and fine motor play with simple-to-set-up fun preschool activities.

Education World offers a virtual treasure trove of month-by-month activity ideas as well as fun things to do organized by specific topic. 

The Stay At Home Mom Survival Guide features “40 Activities for Preschool at Home. Lots of fun ideas and links on many different subjects.

Rasmussen College offers “`15 Fun Literacy Activities for Preschoolers” – including favorites like “Alphabet Knock Down” and “Word Families With Ping-Pong Balls.”

Busy Toddler – Making it To Naps, One Activity At A Time: A former teacher’s blog post on 40+ Super Easy Toddler Activities.

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