
Businesses can make a difference!

As a business, supporting early learning programs and initiatives is a valuable 

Quality early learning programs can foster valuable skills, strengthen our labor force, and grow our economy. Today more than ever, businesses strive for employees who are prepared to succeed in the workforce. Economic development starts with early childhood development—and the best investments ensure all children, particularly those from low-income families, have access to high-quality early childhood education.

Research shows investing in quality early learning programs has remarkable economic outcomes. For every dollar invested in high-quality early learning programs, society gains up to $7.30 in economic returns over the long-term. Additionally, children who participate in high-quality early education programs also show long-term achievements in the form of lower rates of incarceration, lower rates of arrest for violent crimes, and are less likely to have received government assistance.

What can you do as a business to support Early Learning in Lewis County?

  • Advocate on the value and importance of early learning investments to your local representatives and media.
  • Adopt family-friendly business practices – Juggling work and family can be difficult. Businesses that recognize this and create policies and practices that support their employees are shown to have a more productive and reliable workforce. There are a variety of steps you can take to being family friendly. Some ideas include flexible work schedules, onsite childcare, providing early learning information to employees, or setting up family assistance groups.
  • Invest in local programs that ensure our youngest children succeed .
  • Take part in the conversation – join other like-minded business and early childhood education professionals and help create solutions to support children in their earliest years.

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